Meet Catherine
Your Natural Health and Detox Specialist
Learning and applying different healthy lifestyle changes has been one of my greatest passions the last 20 years. I've been studying nutrition and detox for more than half of my life and I get so excited every time I get to share my knowledge and experiences with others! It lights me up each time I share because I know first hand what if feels like to: be unhealthy, anxious, depressed, overweight, underweight, have break out prone skin, and suffer from an injury that creates its own set of health challenges like adrenal fatigue and hair loss.
There is a way to feel better and it doesn't require medication or drugs to get there. Our bodies are incredibly made and if we provide it with the right environment then we'd see changes that will bring smiles to our faces and health to our bones. I love to use the analogy of planting a garden. It requires a patient heart, sunshine, water, mineral rich soil, seeds, and the commitment to be consistent in order to see those seeds sprout into a beautiful garden. A garden that will not only bring you joy, but the surrounding wildlife and all the people that pass by as well. We are all connected to one another. If you fall ill, it affects your family, your friends, your workplace, and in tern, your community. It's my goal and passion to help you on your journey to optimal health so that you can be healthy for yourself, your loved ones, and your community. You matter and make a difference!
I look so forward to serving you in every way I can.
Warmest and kindest regards,
Catherine Bianca

What I Specialize In
Reset Your Digestive System
This alone will help increase the absorption of more nutrients from your food, strengthen your immune system, slim down your waistline, promotes healthy and radiant hair, skin, and nails, increases energy levels, and experience greater mental clarity.
Establish Healthy Eating Habits
Setting up the healthy eating habits that will provide your body and mind with the proper nourishment it requires to detox, rebuild, and thrive!
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
Support every system of your body and mind in order to stay strong, healthy, and age gracefully with the right choices to support and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Safely Detoxify Your Body
Safely remove years of toxic buildup from your lymphatic system, circulatory system, and digestive system in order to increase overall energy levels, vitality, vigor, and enhance mental clarity.
Reading Labels & Nutrition Plan Guidelines
Assists each individual on their road to familiarizing themselves with the different ingredients that will add or take away from their individual health goals along with nutrition guidelines that can help one stay on track.